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Claim Bounty

If you want to claim your bounty after disputing a rogue staker, you can run claimBounty command.

Note: bountyIds are stored in .razor directory with file name in format YOUR_ADDRESS_disputeData.json file.



If you know the bountyId, you can pass the value to bountyId flag.

razor cli

$ ./razor claimBounty --address <address> --bountyId <bounty_id>  --logFile <filename>


docker exec -it razor-go razor claimBounty --address <address> --bountyId <bounty_id> --logFile <filename>


$ ./razor claimBounty --address 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c --bountyId 5 --logFile logs

You can also run claimBounty command without passing bountyId flag as it will pick up bountyIds associated to your address from the file one at a time.

razor cli

$ ./razor claimBounty --address <address>


docker exec -it razor-go razor claimBounty --address <address>