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Razor network is a proof of stake network. In order to participate in the network as a validator, you will need to "Stake" your RAZORs. RAZOR tokens are the native tokens in the network and they are compatible with the ERC20 tokens standard.

Get tokens

You will need some sFUEL to pay for transaction fees. You can get sFUEL from here:

In order to get started, you will also need some RAZOR tokens on Europa chain. You can bridge RAZOR tokens from Ethereum to Europa Defi Hub using Skale Portal. More info regarding RAZOR Token bridge can be found here

Add Europa Defi Hub network to metamask

  1. Use an ethereum compatible browser (e.g. Chrome browser with Metamask plugin)

  2. In metamask, click on top right account icon > Settings > Add Network.

  3. Fill in the following details:

    Network NameEuropa Defi Hub
    New RPC URL
    Chain ID2046399126
    Currency SymbolsFUEL
    Block Explorer URL

    Note: You can also add network from by clicking on "Connect wallet" and switching network to Skale.

Now you are all set! Let's download the client and start staking!

For testnet use the following details

1. Use an ethereum compatible browser (e.g. Chrome browser with Metamask plugin) 2. In metamask, click on top right account icon > Settings > Add Network. 3. Fill in the following details:

Network Namejuicy-low-small-testnet
Chain ID1444673419
Currency SymbolsFUEL
Block Explorer URL

Note: You can also add network from by clicking on "Connect wallet" and switching network to Skale.

Now you are all set! Let's download the client and start staking!

Using Docker

It is recommended to run a Oracle Node using Docker. This is because you don't need a complete development environment to run a node. Since code is updated and deployed frequently from our github repository, we keep the Oracle Node docker image updated.

Hardware Requirements


4 Core (arm64 or amd64 architecture)

Software dependencies

Docker: You can find more information about installing docker here.

Oracle-Node(github): You can download the Oracle-Node:2.0.0 from here.

You can download the docker image of Razor-go:v2.0.0 from here.

Run the Razor Network Docker Node

One of the quickest ways to get razor-go up and running on your machine is by using Docker:

  1. Create docker network
docker network create razor_network
  1. Start razor-go container
docker run -d -it --entrypoint /bin/sh --network=razor_network --name razor-go -v "$(echo $HOME)"/.razor:/root/.razor razornetwork/razor-go:v2.0.0
For testnet use the following command

docker run -d -it --entrypoint /bin/sh --network=razor_network --name razor-go -v "$(echo $HOME)"/.razor:/root/.razor razornetwork/razor-go:d9c8f51

This spins up a razor-go docker image. You can find all the images on the Razor Network dockerhub.

Set Config

There are a set of parameters that are configurable. These include:

  • Provider: The RPC URL of the provider you are using to connect to the blockchain.
  • Alternate Provider: This is the secondary RPC URL of the provider used to connect to the blockchain if the primary one is not working.
  • Gas Multiplier: The value with which the gas price will be multiplied while sending every transaction.
  • Buffer Size: Buffer size determines, out of all blocks in a state, in how many blocks the voting or any other operation can be performed.
  • Wait Time: This is the number of seconds the system will wait while voting.
  • Gas Price: The value of gas price if you want to set manually. If you don't provide any value or simply keep it to 1, the razor client will automatically calculate the optimum gas price and send it.
  • Log Level: Normally debug logs are not logged into the log file. But if you want you can set logLevel to debug and fetch the debug logs.
  • Gas Limit: The value with which the gas limit will be multiplied while sending every transaction.
  • Gas Limit Override: This value would be used as a gas limit for all the transactions instead of estimating for each transaction.
  • RPC Timeout: Number of seconds after which any contract and client calls will time out if it's not responding.
  • HTTP Timeout: This is the threshold number of seconds after which an HTTP request for a job will time out.
  • Maximum size of log file: This is the maximum size of log file in MB
  • Maximum number of backups of log file: This is the maximum number of old log files to retain.
  • Maximum age of log file: This is the maximum number of days to retain old log files.
docker exec -it razor-go razor setConfig --provider --gasmultiplier 1 --buffer 5 --wait 1 --gasprice 0 --logLevel debug --gasLimit 2 --gasLimitOverride 30000000 --rpcTimeout 5 --httpTimeout 5 --logFileMaxSize 200 --logFileMaxBackups 10 --logFileMaxAge 60
For testnet use the following command

docker exec -it razor-go razor setConfig --provider --gasmultiplier 1 --buffer 5 --wait 1 --gasprice 0 --logLevel debug --gasLimit 2 --gasLimitOverride 30000000 --rpcTimeout 5 --httpTimeout 5 --logFileMaxSize 200 --logFileMaxBackups 10 --logFileMaxAge 60

NOTE:: This will create razor.yaml with all necessary parameter at $HOME/.razor directory. We can view that via command:cat $HOME/.razor/razor.yaml .

NOTE:: You can add an alternate provider by passing --alternateProvider [ALTERNATE_PROVIDER] in the above setConfig command which can act as the secondary RPC to your node.

NOTE: You can automate all razor-go commands by providing password non-interactively. There are multiple ways to do that

  1. Provide password via file, All the commands have an additional --password flag that you can provide with the file path from which the password must be picked. To run a command with a password flag with the help of docker, the password file should present in $HOME/.razor/ directory
    Example: docker exec -it -d razor-go razor command --password /root/.razor/<file_name>
  2. Provide password via echo command.
    Example: echo "your password" | docker exec -it -d razor-go razor command
    Linux-based system keeps track of the previously executed command., anyone can get the detail of the previous command via the history command.
    To delete command from history:
    1. List the previously executed command: history 2. Delete command from history: history -d <line-number>


Run the commands in following way:

docker exec -it razor-go razor <command>

Note: It is recomended to use --logFile <filename> flag with every razor command this will generate logfile in .razor directory which will be helpfull in debuging any issue.

Create an account using the following command:

docker exec -it razor-go razor create

Import an account using the following command:

docker exec -it razor-go razor import

Fund this account with sFUEL and RAZOR tokens to start participating in the network.

You can use the full commands (stake) or the short form (s) as shown below.

Start staking using the addStake command

docker exec -it razor-go razor addStake --address <account> --value <value> --logFile <filename>

where address is the address that contains RAZOR tokens and value is the amount of RAZOR that you want to stake.

An example of this command would be:

docker exec -it razor-go razor addStake --address 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c --value 10000 --logFile logs

Note: --weiRazor flag can be passed to provide values in wei

If you have a 1000.25 RAZOR tokens in your account, you can stake those using the stake command with weiRazor flag.


$ razor addStake --address 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c --value 1000250000000000000000 --weiRazor true

If you have a 5678.1001 RAZOR tokens in your account, you can stake those using the stake command with weiRazor flag.


$ ./razor addStake --address 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c --value 5678100100000000000000 --weiRazor true

To start accepting delegation, use the delegation command in a new terminal which is mentioned in the set delegation documentation

It will enable delegation, and participants can delegate RAZOR tokens to your staker's account.

Start voting using the vote command

docker exec -it razor-go razor vote --address <account> --logFile <filename>

Note: To run vote command in background you can use tmux for that.

  1. Run: tmux new -s razor-go
  2. Run vote command
  3. To exit from tmux session: press ctrl+b, release those keys and press d
  4. To list your session: tmux ls
  5. To attach Session back: tmux attach-session -t razor-go

An example of this command would be:

docker exec -it razor-go razor vote --address 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c --logFile logs

If you have delegation enabled and have some commission set, then you can claim that earned commission anytime via the following command:

docker exec -it razor-go razor claimCommission --address <address> --logFile <filename>

An example of this command would be:

docker exec -it razor-go razor claimCommission --address 0x5a0b54d5dc17e0aadc383d2db43b0a0d3e029c4c --logFile logs

View Logs

tail -f $HOME/.razor/logs/[filename].log

An example of this command would be:

tail -f $HOME/.razor/logs/logs.log

That's it! You should have a staker up and running. Your node will start automatically fetching and answering queries. You must keep your computer online to be able to validate without any interruptions. You can monitor the logs, and use Razorscan to monitor your staker.

For more details around all the commands of razor-go, please check out the oracle-node Readme.

Installation From Source

If you would rather install from source, please follow Instructions here to run a Razor Network node from source.

Update docker image

NOTE:: _If you are updating to v2 on the same machine where the v1 node was running, make sure to delete all the the files in the .razor/data_files directory.

To update the razor-go node version

  1. Get the latest docker image from Docker Hub

Note: -

  1. Make sure you don't use -alpha and -beta suffixed docker images those are only for internal testing.
  2. Update the node in the Dispute state in order to reduce the chances of an inactivity penalty. The process of updating the node should be completed in less than 5 minutes. Do the following steps as quickly as possible to avoid any inactivity penalties.
  1. Check your container is running via docker ps, you should get an output like:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                  COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS         PORTS     NAMES
    5f0b7d99a71b razornetwork/razor-go:v1.1.0-patch.1 "/bin/sh" 3 weeks ago Up 3 weeks razor-go
  2. Stop the existing container
    docker stop razor-go

  3. Remove the existing container
    docker rm razor-go

  4. Run the staker with latest docker image:

    docker run -d -it --entrypoint /bin/sh --network=razor_network --name razor-go -v "$(echo $HOME)"/.razor:/root/.razor razornetwork/razor-go:<version>

    example: If latest version is v2.0.0 then the command would be:

    docker run -d -it --entrypoint /bin/sh --network=razor_network --name razor-go -v "$(echo $HOME)"/.razor:/root/.razor razornetwork/razor-go:v2.0.0
  5. Check your container is running docker ps, you should get an output like:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND     CREATED          STATUS          PORTS     NAMES
    53ff3ce7c965 razornetwork/razor-go:v2.0.0 "/bin/sh" 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds razor-go
  6. If you want to update your config file, you can run SetConfig command

Note: If you are running vote command in tmux session

  1. Check your razor-go session exists: tmux ls
  2. Attach existing session: tmux a -t razor-go
  3. To exit from tmux session: press ctrl+b, release those keys and press d
  4. To list your session: tmux ls
  5. To attach Session back: tmux attach-session -t razor-go
  1. Start voting again
    docker exec -it razor-go razor vote --address <account> --logFile <filename> --gasLimitOverride 50000000