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Transparent Forwarder

To consume the Razor Network price feeds, your contract should reference ITransparentForwarder. This is an interface that defines the external functions implemented by Data Feeds.

  • updateAndGetResult(bytes calldata _data): This function requires calldata from the REST API for a particular collection. The function updates the collections results to the latest values reported by the API and makes them available on-chain. This calldata constructed is unique for each collection and consists of (merkleRoot, proof, result, signature). Where each parameter is described as follows:

    • merkleRoot(bytes32): The root of the Merkle tree created by the API service for the particular collection.

    • proof(bytes32[]): The Merkle proof for the result of the particular collection within the Merkle tree created.

    • result(uint256 result, int8 power, uint256 lastUpdatedTimestamp): The result of the collection reported.

    • signature(bytes): The signature that was used to sign the reported collection values.

      The function returns the following:

    • result (uint256): Indicates the price of the collection.

    • power (int8): Represents the power of the collection, which is utilized to determine the necessary decimal shifts on the result.

    • lastUpdatedTimestamp (uint256): Marks the timestamp when the price feed was last updated.

      Note: This function always returns the latest price reported.

  • validateResult(bytes calldata _data): This function requires calldata from the REST API for a particular collection. The function checks the validity of the calldata provided and returns a boolean and the result of the collection from the calldata present.

    The function returns the following:

    • valid (bool): Indicates the validity of the calldata for a collection provided.
    • result (uint256): Indicates the price of the collection.
    • power (int8): Represents the power of the collection, which is utilized to determine the necessary decimal shifts on the result.
    • lastUpdatedTimestamp (uint256): Marks the timestamp when the price feed was last updated.
  • getResult(bytes32 name): This function requires the name parameter, a keccak-256 hash of the collection name, as input. For a comprehensive list of active collection names, please refer to RazorScan's datafeeds. Notably, for example, keccak256(ETHUSD) is hashed as 0x59102b37de83bdda9f38ac8254e596f0d9ac61d2035c07936675e87342817160. This function retrieves the price of a specified collection but does not update it to the most recent value. Consequently, the price reported could be outdated.

    The function returns the following:

    • result (uint256): Indicates the price of the collection.
    • power (int8): Represents the power of the collection, which is utilized to determine the necessary decimal shifts on the result.
    • lastUpdatedTimestamp (uint256): Marks the timestamp when the price feed was last updated.

Consider the following example:

If the result of the collection is 300050 and its power is 2, this essentially indicates that the price of the collection (asset) is $3000.50. This adds a higher level of precision.

The price of the collection can be calculated by the following formula: result * 10^-(power).



The following is an example Client contract that will just return the price feed data queried for. Paste this contract in remix and deploy it to any of the supported chains listed here.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface ITransparentForwarder {
* @notice Updates the result based on the provided data and returns the latest result
* @dev The data will be updated only if the result is valid and is newer than the previous result.
* Updation will be done by the clients, though once the result is updated, it wont be updated till the latest results
* are sent again. Regardless of the updation, the result will be returned.
* @param _data bytes data required to update the result
* @return result of the collection, its power and timestamp
function updateAndGetResult(bytes calldata _data) external payable returns (uint256, int8, uint256);

* @dev using the hash of collection name, clients can query the result of that collection
* @param _name bytes32 hash of the collection name
* @return result of the collection and its power
function getResult(bytes32 _name) external returns (uint256, int8, uint256);

* @dev validates the result based on the provided data and returns the validity
* @param _data bytes data required to validate the result
* @return validity of the result
function validateResult(bytes calldata _data) external returns (bool, uint256, int8, uint256);

contract Client {
ITransparentForwarder public transparentForwarder;
uint256 public lastResult;
int8 public lastPower;
uint256 public lastTimestamp;
bool public isResultValid;

constructor(address _transparentForwarder) {
transparentForwarder = ITransparentForwarder(_transparentForwarder);

function setTransparentForwarder(address _transparentForwarder) public {
transparentForwarder = ITransparentForwarder(_transparentForwarder);

function updateAndGetResult(bytes calldata data) public payable returns (uint256, int8, uint256) {
(uint256 result, int8 power, uint256 timestamp) = transparentForwarder.updateAndGetResult{value: msg.value}(data);

lastResult = result;
lastPower = power;
lastTimestamp = timestamp;
return (result, power, timestamp);

function getResult(bytes32 name) public returns (uint256, int8, uint256) {
(uint256 result, int8 power, uint256 timestamp) = transparentForwarder.getResult(name);

lastResult = result;
lastPower = power;
lastTimestamp = timestamp;
return (result, power, timestamp);

function validateResult(bytes calldata data) public returns (bool) {
(isResultValid, , , ) = transparentForwarder.validateResult(data);

return isResultValid;


Install foundry here.

To test the functionality use the following cast commands:

This command will update the on-chain contract with the latest Oracle Block:

cast send $TRANSPARENT_FORWARDER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "updateAndGetResult(bytes)" $CALLDATA --rpc-url $RPC --private-key $PRIV_KEY

To fetch the updated price data for the chosen collection:

cast call $TRANSPARENT_FORWARDER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "getResult(bytes32)" $COLLECTION_NAME  --rpc-url $RPC --private-key $PRIV_KEY 

Note: This example can be deployed on chains where the Transparent Forwarder contract is deployed. Details regarding deployed contracts and chains can be found here.